Commissioned by the American Dance Festival
Reynolds Industries Theater, Duke University, Durham, NC
Choreography Vanessa Voskuil
Material devised by Vanessa Voskuil in collaboration with the performers
Sound Design by Vanessa Voskuil
Costumes John Brinkman
Lighting Design by David Ferri
Performed by James Burgis II, Mauri Connors, Shaela Davis, Jackie Dew, Rebeca Garcia Celdran, Taloa Hixson, Elizabeth Homick, Chung-Ting Huang, Sarah Ingel, Kate Kislingbury, Jasper Lai, Qinmin Liu, Olivia Naegela, Laura Neese, Yelun Qizhi, Katherine Scott, Lily Bo Shapiro, Kate Shugar, Lea Thomen, Jamie Walcheski, Chih-Ning Wu, Wang Yuanqing, Mei Ng Yee, Rourrou Ye, and additional performances by ADF student dancers.
"Voskuil’s expert use of a large cast makes for a powerful and mysterious work."
- The Herald Sun
"Forty, fifty of them, coming like a plague wave -- and when they hit the edge of the stage they don't stop, they tumble right off....it's terrifying. Every instinct urges run -- and I have no idea what to think of myself when I don't. I seem to have split in two....We're left at some entry; we seem to have passed through the gates of Voskuil's title. Where that leaves us I don't know, but we've come through a reckoning. This is why people dance and why people come to dance: transformation."
- Huffpost Arts & Culture
Commissioned by American Dance Festival with support from the SHS Foundation and the Jerome Foundation. Photo Grant Halverson.